GaSonics AURA1000、AE2001 、L3510 销售及相关服务
君睿科技作为专业的二手半导体设备供应商及服务商,我司重点提供AURA1000、AE2001、L3510设备,并提供设备的翻新(重点是chamber的翻新),改造(手臂的改造)、维修及装机等技术服务,提供相关配件和耗件,我司提供的耗件及配件均有我司LOGO 及统一编号,期待与贵司的合作。

AURA1000/LAE2001/L3510 整机供应
AURA1000/AE2001/L3510 设备翻新及改造及维修等相关技术服务
Cassette to cassette wafer handling
Front and backside etching
Variable platen temperature
Alumina (ceramic) plasma tube
Fluorine compatible chamber
SECS II interface
Multiple step process capability
Stand alone/ floor standing model
GaSonics L3510E Isotropic Etch System
The GaSonics L3510E is a high etch rate, downstream isotropic etching system, designed to provide isotropic profiles along with the ability to etch or ash at low temperatures. Utilizing the proven L-Series 3510 platform, the etch system also uses the downstream microwave sources and applicator. With excellent process controls, the 3510E provides a wide range of process capabilities and applications. The system also includes a topside lamp option for heating the substrates in a “pins up” mode. The “pins up” mode allows backside etching of various materials.
Wafer Size: 6 inch configuration. Can be for 4, 5 if necessary.
Process Gasses: O2 and N2
Gasonics Aura 1000 plasma Asher semiconductor equipment General Description for reference only
The Gasonics Aura 1000 Plasma System is a microprocessor controlled down-stream, or “afterglow” photoresist stripper that will strip the front and backside of a wafer, typically in less than one minute.The Gasonics Aura 1000 is fully automated, cassette-to-cassette, and is a single-wafer process design.
The Gasonics Aura 1000 system consists of two separate but interconnected.vacuum ·chambers (reaction and stripping), ·a microwave plasma generator, automatic wafer loader/unloader, keypad panel/display, mass flow controllers (MFC’ s ), an infrared heat source, pneumatic and electronic control systems, ‘stainless steel gas plumbing, and incorporates several safety interlock features, as well as troubleshooting indicators . (LED’s) that illuminate to display the operating sequence and key component function signals.
The Gasonics Aura 1000 semiconductor process system is housed in one of three basic configurations:
1. A functional, convenient table-top cabinet;
2. Through-the-,wall; or
3. Stand-alone mounting table._
The Gasonics Aura 1000 Auia Stripper System generates a plasma of oxygen and/or other gasses in a reaction chamber. This concentrated reactive mixture then flows downstream, reaching a state of electrical neutrality, . and although highly reactive, it is no longer electrically damaging to the wafer. The mixture then enters the process chamber, where the dissociated oxygen· reacts-with the photoresist and oxidizes or “burns” the photoresist from the wafer.
The main components of the Gasonics Aura 1000 Aura plasma reaction is atomic oxygen (normal oxygen consists of two atoms, while atomic oxygen consists of only one atom). In addition, an infrared heat source is included for difficult or temperature sensitive processes.
A typical plasma wafer stripping process is as follows:
A. The wafer is loaded from a cassette into the process chamber, which is sealed and evacuated, and heat lamps are energized to elevate the wafer temperature.
B. Regulated process gasses are precisely released into the reaction chamber.
C. The microwave generator is enabled, creating the plasma in the reaction chamber and initiating the downstream stripping action in the process chamber.
D. When end-point detection is reached and overstrip is achieved, the microwave generator and process gasses are turned off to stop the stripping action, the process chamber is purged with N2 to ambient temperature, and the stripped wafer is removed from the chamber and placed in another cassette.
Gasonics Aura 1000 System Features
Single wafer processing
One-to-four process gas MFC’s
3″, 4″, 5″, and 6″ wafer capability
Throughput: 60 wph, depending on process parameters.
3 Configurations: Table-top, Through-the-Wall,or with a stand-alone mounting table.
Programmable microprocessor
Automatic wafer loader/unloader
Infrared heat source for process temperature control.
Downstream processing: No wafer radiation damage.
Soft-start vacuum system.
Quartz or Ceramic plasma chamber.
Equipped with hard-wired safety interlocks to prevent damage to the system or injury to either the
product or to personnel.
Front and backside resist removal
Automatic photo emission type end-point detection
In-line cassette-to-cassette.
Compact: 36″ X 32″X27″ (Table Top).
AURA 1000 维修 翻新主要包括以下七个方面:
1. Alignment procedure
2. Tool required
3. RF turing methods
4. Vacuum gauge calibration
5. Gas flow calibration
6. chamber cleaning , plasma tube installation and removal
7. showerhead assembly
1. Pick and place warfer Handling system- Alignment and adjustment
Purpose : This section provides adjustment / adjustment /alignment instruction for the A-1000 Pick -and-place wafer handling system. Information pertaining to door adjustment, wafer nest leveling, arm adjustment , and load/uload assemblies is also inclued.
The pick-and place system is designed to handle wafer from the backsides, using a vacuum chuck , which nearly eliminates particles generates during wafer handling.
During handling , a wafer is picked out of the second cassette , while the chuck shuttles sideways to deposit the wafer in the door/ nest assembly. After the wafer is processed , it is plucked from the door / nest assembly and shullled into the receive cassette. This method does not subject the wafer to surface sliding or scraping , and no particles are generated.
A. Physical descrition :
The pick-and -place system mechanism consisits of two-L shaped supports called arms ( the two arms are similar, mirrir-images of each other) , attached to moving assemblies called linear bearing blocks. The arms support the small assemblies mounted on the arm end, called load/unload assemblies.
These load/unload assemblies consist of two small linear bearings, each allowing limited vertical motion of the vacuum chuck mounted on top . Both of these arms and their associated assemblies are powered by pneumatics.
Alignment procedure- prearation
Prior to alignment , perform the following general adjustment steps to help prevent physical damage to the system. Ensure that the sensor flags ( listed below ) are aligned , to prevent damage to their associated sensors.
These sensor flags may require re-adjustment after other adjustments are made during the course of thsi procedure.
Door open ( Bottom of Traveler )
Door closed ( Bottom of traveler )
Load arm out ( R.H Bottom of Bearing block )
Load arm home ( Side of bearing block )
Unload arm out ( L.H Bottom of bearing block )
Unlaod arm home ( R.H Bottom of bearing block )
Load assembly Up/down ( L.H Bottom of Mechanism Assembly )
Unload assembly Up/down ( R.H Bottom of Mechanism assembly )
2. Tool requirement ;
1. 8 inch diameter protractor
2. 6 inch vernier calipers
3. standard allen wrench set ( Angled , ball-end )
4. 6 inch machinist's square
5. 6 straight-edge
set of jeweler's screwdrivers
3. RF turing method
The a-1000 uses microwave energy / generated by a magnetron , and couples this energy to the plasma chamber via a waveguide. The combination of the waveguide and the plasma must appear as a pure resistance of a specified value to the magnetron , which absorbs and dissipates it as heat. Turing minimizes magnetron heat load , and maximinzes power coupling .
The A-1000's waveguide and plasma are matched to the magnetron with a tuning rod that changes the resistance (impedance) of the waveguide. The amount of rod tip protruding into the waveguide provides a given resistance, the impedance changes when the amount of rod present in the waveguide is increased or decreased.
Rod tuning procedure (Outline)
A. Loosen the locking collar around the tuning rod ;
B. Adjust the rod by turning it in or out one-quarter turn.
C. Lock the rod intro place with the locking collar , finger tight only.
D. Observe the results
If the system being worked on was previously in tune. But either the magnetron has been changed. Or the tuning rod removed for other reason. the turning rod removed fro other reasons , the tuning process must be started from the old tuning point. Adjust in either direction until best tune is found.
If the old tuning point cannot be recalled, or it is a first-time tune for the system, start with the top of the slotted rod removed for other reason . The tuning process must be started from the old tuning point. Adjust in either direction until best tune is found.
If the old tuning point cannot be recalled, or it is a first-time for the system, start with the top of the slotted rod flush with the top of the locking collar . This is a position that allows the sytem to run.
Tuning minimizes the heat load on the magnetron, and also couples the most power into the plasma for the greatest stripping efficiency. These two reasons for tuning aso provide an ideal method for feedback for tuning . referred to as the head tuning method.
The tow main reason for the tuning are to minimize the heat load on the magnetron and to couple the most power into the plasma for the greatest stripping efficiency. Coincidentally , these two reasons for tuning also provide two ideals methods ,Strip rate and heat , for feedback for tuning . Of the two methods used , Strip Rate is the faster of the two , so it is described first.
3.1 Strip Rate Tuning method
Obtain a cassette of 25 coated dummy wafers for the test. Warm up the machine by running a few un-coated dummy wafers through , using a 30 second , 5.01 / m oxygen recipe with lamps at 12 seconds.
Next , alter the recipe to suit whatever size wafers are being used, and shorten the standard recipe to one-half the time normally used, to only strip about half on the resist ( this removes enough resisit to give a good indication of strip rate later) .
Once a usable recipe is found, run the machine in SETUP to allow processing of one wafer at a time. Adjust the rod and run a wafer. As the strip rate indicates, adjust the rod between wafers. Contine adjusting the rod until the best strip is achieved. A tuning peak within the 25 wafers should be found.
After the best possible tune is reached, alter the recipe and run the partially-stripped wafers back through the machine.
Altered Recipe :
Lamps: OFF
Step Time : 60 seconds
End Point : OFF ( Keep it at 5.01 m O2 with RF on) .
Run a full cassette of wafer in AUTO , AND verfiy that the system can process all wafers without indicating a fault. If all 25 wafers can be run with this process without a system fault occurring, optimum tuning has been achieved.
If less than 15 wafers can be run , adjust the tuning rod the other direction 1/4 turun , and repeat the test . Continue in small steps of rotation until a minimum run of 20 wafers is achieved.
Lock the tuning rod in place using the locking collar. Torque the locking collar to 15 inch punds.
4. Vacuum Gauge Calibration procedue ;
4.1 Thermocouple Gauge
4.1.1 Gain access to the thermocouple gauge through the rear of the system, or through the top ;
4.1.2 Power UP ;
4.1.3 Unplug monitoring the digital readout on the front panel, adjust the potentiometer jsut visible on the side of the vacuum tube's power supply module
4.1.4 Power down
4.1.5 Unplug the calibration tube and put it away safely
4.1 6 Reconnect this connector to the installed vacuum tube
4.1.7 Restore the covers on the system
4.1.8 Power up
4.1.9 Allow machine to go to IDle
4.1.10 Turn keyswitch to service
4.1.11 Press STOP twice , This is the manual control page
4.1.12 Press SOFT START
4.1.13 When the pressure display un-blanks, press MAIN VACUUM ;
4.1.14 Pressure reading should be approximately 0.1 torr
4.1.15 If step last is correct, press STOP several more times , unitl the machine vents the chamber .
4.1.16 Once back in IDLE, Turn the machine over to production
4.2 Baratron system
A Baratron outputs a linear voltage for a pressure range of 0-10 torr. The A-1000 displays this as pressure . Since the units are linear, no software modifications are required to display pressure, as in the case of the Thermocouple gauge tube.
As the Baratron does not require adjusting , it is only important to check whether the Aura computer is interpreting the value correctly.
4.2.1 Tool requirement
stright-blade 6 inch normally-duty screwdriver ; Digital Multi-meter DMM ; Maintenance manual
4.2.2 Procedure Turn on machine , go to IDLE ; Turn keyswitch to service ; Press STOP twice , The mannal control page comes up ; Press soft start Once the pressure display un-blanks, press MAIN VACUUM ; Use a screwdriver to gain access to the rear of the machine Use DMM ON DC vlots, and measure output signal , referenced to signal common. This should be much less than 1 volt. The A-1000 front panel pressure display should be closed to the reading on the DMM.
4.2.2. 9 Press STOP until Aura return to the first service page, and allow the computer to reset all conditions ; Press STOP ONCE. This is the configuration page. Press DOT twice , This is the pressure module ; Press ENTER Press 5 and then ENTER The current value of the scaler is not displayed on the screen . Record the value for later reference. Increase or decrease the third-from-right digit to determine the effect on the pressure display ; After estimating which increament or decrement is benefical , perform the following steps to test the theroy Once the scaling factor has been achieved successfully , bring the machine to an IDLE state , and turn the keyswitch to AUTO .
Replacd any panels and closed any doors/ panels that have been removed or opened for this check. Return the machine ot production.
Gas flow calibration procedure 气体校准流程 :
5.1. Tool requirement :
5.1.1 Straight-blade, 6 inch normal-duty screwdriver
5.1.2 Digital Multi-meter
5.2 Procedure 程序
5.2.1 Remove the top cover of the system
5.2.2 Bring the system to IDLE
5.2.3 Ensure W5 on the upper of the mass flow interface board is jumpered
5.2.4 Turn key to service ,and press STOP Twice . This brings up the direct control screen ;
5.2.5 Gas 1 inputs are displayed on the LCD , falashing as a prompt for input . This prompt can be moved to each of the other gasses by pressing the button for each gas. Enter 500 from the keyboard in to gas #1 input. Gas #1 responds within 2 seconds and settle to the flow entered. The feedback from the Mass Flow meter is displayed o the 4-digit 7-segment Red LED displays above gas#1 button .
5.2.6 Ground the black lead from the DMM to a DC common
5.2.7 Connect the red lead of the DMM to TP1 on the interface board . The meter should indicate 2.50 Volts. If so , then the Output scaling multiplier fro Gas 1 is accurate. If not , go to paragraph . Altering a scalar.
5.2.8 If the preceding sep is correct , observe the readout above the gas 1 button. It should read 5.00 L/M , If so , then the input scaling multiplier for gas 1 is accurate . If not , go to adjusting input scalars.
5.2.9 If the preceding step is correct , then check that all of the other gasses have the same scalars . Exception: Mass Flow Controllers other than 0-1 or 0-10 L /M need different scalars.
5.3 Altering a saclar :
5.3.1 Press STOP enough times to return to the initial page that was displayed when the key was first turned to service. Press Stop once more to bring up the configuration screen.
5.3.2 Press DOT until the GAS header appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
5.3.3 Press enter to intiate entry into the gas module . The screen displays the first , or "zero‘’parameter ( all parameter tables start at zero)
5.3.4 Look up the number of the gas scalar disired . Enter the number from the keypad and press Enter to bring up the current scalar.
5.3.5 Alter the value stored by pressing CE, and keying in a new value . Press Enter again to save the new value.
6. Chamber cleaning /plasma tube installion and removal
This section provides instructions for cleaning the chamber .A complete disassembly and cleaning routing should be performed every six months , using the following procedure :
6.1 Procedure :
6.1.1 Turn off the system , and allow the chamber to cool until all parts can be handled without discomfort ;
6.1.2 Turn off the MAIN power circuit breaker ;
6.1.3 Remove all necessary panels to allow best access
6.1.4 Disconnect the control harness from the Baratron head
6.1.5 Disconnect the power cord and other cables from the Magnetron
6.1.6 Loosen the hose clamp
6.1.7 Remove the glass-to-metal gas supply tube by loosening the knurled nuts clamping it to the ultra-torr and the gas manifold outlet
6.1.8 Disconnect wiring from the pre-fire assembly ;
6.1.9 Remove the three spring-loaded shoulder screws securing the gas cap to the Magnetron assembly , and carefully remove the gas cap. Lift it up carefully , as the plasma tube may come away with it .Set it aside, upright
6.1.10 Carefully pull up on the plasma tube and remove it from the magnetron assembly . Wrap the tube in cloth and place in a safe location
6.1.11 Remove the four 1/4 -20 screws securing the Magnetron Assembly to the chamber cover.
6/1/12 Using the extreme care, lift the wavegude assembly out of the system and place it on a clean , firm and steady surface.
The top of the chamber is now cleared for removal . Removing the entire chamber from the system is seldom necessary, and so is not covered hear. All areas requireing cleaning are accessible from the top.
6.1.13 Loosen the connector secturing the Baratron Assembly to the chamber cover and remove the Barratron assembly.
6.1.14 Sligth loosen , but do not remove,screw holding the chamber lid in place, These seven screws are various lenghts, and must be re-installed later in their originl locations . Remove and save these screws. Carefully remove the chamber lid by lifting up vertically.
6.1.15 Remove the samll ceramic disk or orifice form the well inthe top center of the cover ,by reomoving the support lip.
6.1.16 Place the chamber lid upside down on a clean-room cloth wipe , on a flat surface. Note that there is a shower head assembly mounting on the underside of the lid. Remove the O-ring and set aside.
6.1.17 Pull the door back out of the way ;
6..1.18 Remove the screws holding down a cresent-shaped strap on the main vacuum vale side of the chamber
6.1.19 Carefully remove the strap, then remove the thin quartz window-orifice it mounts . Set both aside . 6.1.20 Inspect the chamber for damage and debris . Vacuum out any loose material 6.1.21 Wipe the inside of the chamber with IPA. Carefully re-vacuum , to remove any particles loosened by the solvent ; 6.1.22 Wipe down the quartz plate and aluminum strap removed earlier . Place on clean room cloth wipe.
Showhead 安装流程如下:
7.1 Disassembly procedure
7.1.1 remove the screen holding the showerhead to the showerhead housing ;
7.1.2 remove the inner quartz disk and set aside
7.1.3 remove the showerhead housing , set aside and clean top cover with IPA
7.1.4 CLEAN EACH Piece of the showerhead with IPA and allow to dry , re-assemble
7.1.5 Flush each screw removed from the inside of the chamber carefully with IPA
7.2 Cleaning and re-assembly
7.2.1 clean and inspect the O-rings removed earlier. If demaged , replaced them . Clean new or Old o-RING WITH IPA . placed them carefully into their groove in the top of the chamber.
7.2.2 re-assemble the chamber in the reverse order from which it was disassembled .
7.2.3 Check out Turn on the systme and allow it to go to idle . Turn the keyswitch to service Press Stop twice Press the front panel button for soft start . Waiti until the pressure display un-blanks , and press the button for man vacuum ; Press SOFT START again to shut it off. Observe the pressure reading :It should be below 0.10 Torr. After 5 minutes , press MAIN VACUUM button again .This seals off the chamber , and allows checking of the leak-back rate.
The rate should be less than 0.2 torr/ minute. If all is well, press STOP several more times until the ANALGO OUTPUT screen is displayed. Press STOP one more time . The system vents the chamber and goes to IDLE.